The Nu's Alumni

We are immensely proud of our alumni and grateful for their advice and support over the years!

Here is where our recent alumni have gone:


Alumni of the Nu,

Welcome to our website! We hope this move into the 21st century will help you stay updated and connected to the House. On this website you will find electronic versions of the yearly Nusletter as well as additional photos of our activities. With the form below you can provide us with your contact information and elect to receive a hard copy or electronic version of future editions! You can now also donate to the House online using the Paypal link on this page. Please reach out to us - we would love to hear updates on your lives as well as the many stories you have of your time at The Nu! Lastly, we invite you to connect with us on our official NSN Alumni Facebook Page:


1) Send a check made payable to "The Nu" to:

Alumni Donation

3904 Spruce St.

Philadelphia, PA 19104

2) Donate online!

You can now donate online using the Paypal button using a credit card (No Paypal account needed). Alternatively, you can find us on Venmo @WillySong (the current house Treasurer).

We greatly appreciated your continued support!

The Current "Nu News" Newsletter and Archive:

Nu News Archive